Only the oxidised forms of silicon, such as silicon dioxide and silicates, are found in nature. With a weight percentage of 25.8%, silicon is the second most prevalent element in the solid crust of the Earth and the most significant constituent of inorganic minerals. Silicon was not separated until very recently since it is a fairly uncommon element in nature.
Sand, clay, and ceramics, on the other hand, are siliceous building and engineering materials that have existed forever.
Silicon and its compounds have a very dynamic chemistry.
In recent decades, few technologies have had such a profound impact on technical advancement as silicon chemistry. The beginning of this success tale is the ingredient silicon.
The Chemistry of Silicon is Very Effective.
Professors Müller and Rochow separately figured out how to combine silicone with the gas methyl chloride (CH3Cl) to create liquid methylchlorosilanes in 1940/41. This process gave silicone manufacture an industrial foundation and sparked a silicone production boom on a worldwide scale. WACKER was the first business in Europe to begin doing research in the area in 1947, building on the ground-breaking work of Dr. Siegfried Nietzsche. The foundation for the contemporary and effective production of organochlorosilanes and silicone compounds was built during the ensuing years by WACKER methods.

The term Silicone was first used by F. S. Kipping (1863–1949) is credited with coining the name "silicone," which alludes to the formal equivalence between these silicon compounds and the corresponding oxygen compounds of carbon (polysilicoketones). However, the word "siloxane" describes the Si-O-Si group better. Therefore, technically speaking, all silicones should be referred to as "polysiloxanes." Nowadays, polysiloxanes utilised in technical applications are primarily referred to as silicone.

Silicone has a wide range of applications in different industries, like Automotive and transport, construction, Chemical industry, Energy, electrics and electronics, Coatings and adhesives, Elastomers, plastics and composites, consumer care, Life science, paper, film coatings and NIP, Textiles, leather and fibers.
Silicones - the basis of Unlimited Applications:
*Red ones are manufactured at MOR Industries
Automotive and Transport
FIPG and CIPG (formed- and cured-in-place gaskets)
Cylinder-head gaskets
Viscous clutches
Air filters
Vibration dampers
Automotive electronics
Shipbuilding and trains
Chemical Industry
Energy, Electrics & Electronics
Coatings & Adhesives
Elastomers, Plastics & Composites
Consumer Care
Life Science
Paper, Film Coatings & NIP
Textiles, Leather & Fibers
For more information, contact us, we are available to assist you in the design and production with Silicone rubber, as with any other rubber compound.